Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to my latest blog post. For my Darling Gabriela Ruiz’
Ancient Glass Meets Digital Age
The unique option of my particular sidearm of choice is its ability to pair older lenses with digital bodies without the need of a converter. My Father’s Pentax K1000 is the first machine on which
Fear and Bullets
Welcome! Thank you for taking time out of your hectic schedule to make a visit and observe my version of humanity. These are instances from your world, moulded by my eyes, perfected by light and its

Super Moon

Michael Cinco – Spring 2013
See the rest of the gallery here: Michael Cinco – L.A. Fashion Week : Spring
Raina Hein for Amato Couture : Fall 2012
see the full gallery here: Amato Couture – L.A. Fashion Week : Fall
Designer Adriann Helton : Tru$t Fund ’10
Death Eater
from the new gallery Academy Award Nominees for Best Costume
Death Valley
see the rest of the gallery